Thursday, July 17, 2014

The BAD! & The Good

                                                    I think the post office has it out for me.

GAP, it has Thai writing on the box I bought them from Thailand they also have Japanese writing on the box  so basically their like Pocky

    I ordered 3 boxes, 2 Strawberry and 1 Chocolate, all of them look like they went to the roller derby.
                        What are they doing when they are sorting the mail?  I guess who cares, the kid                                                                      loved them, taste good going down.

                                                         NOW! something I did love
When you open these a aroma of banana hits you hard 
it was like a banana flavored Now&Later

they weren't overly sweet the cream in the middle tasted like those cheap banana flavored cookie you can get at the grocery store

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